Torrington, Connecticut
Liturgical Assistants
Acolytes and Children's Cross Bearers
Youth in fifth grade through adults, are trained to be altar servers and carry the cross (Crucifer) during worship. They are under the direction of the Priest and, at times there have been Adult Leaders coordinating the acolytes.
Acolytes carry the cross, lead the Gospel Procession, and assist the priest at the Altar. If this interests you, speak with our Priest.
Very young children assist by carrying the children's cross when the gifts of bread, wine, money and other gifts are presented to the Altar.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (chalice bearers)
The adults who serve the chalice during the Holy Communion are trained by our clergy, and are licensed by the Bishop to serve. On Sundays we have two Lay Eucharistic Ministers who are vested and assist with serving Communion. Speak with our Priest if you feel called to this ministry.
Lectors are the ministers who read the appointed Sunday Bible lessons. They do not have formal oratory training. They are parishioners who feel called, and are able to project their voices, to read the lessons in the assembly when we are gathered for worship. Parishioners of many ages serve as lectors at Trinity Church.