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Sisters of Ruth

Praise God from who all blessings flow!

Sisters of Ruth is a woman’s group that meets quarterly (as weather and schedules permit).  We share a meal, laugh and pray for each other. This group is open to all adult women of the church. There is minimal commitment. The only commitment is to pray for your “sister” for the months until we meet again. 


This ministry to each other and our church is but one of the ways that can enrich our commitment to each other and deepen our faith. The food is always so good and the laughter is plentiful! We all have harried schedules and commitments.  This is something that you can do for you. A time to come together with other women of the parish and laugh, sing, cry, talk or just be quiet and take it all in. This is a time to renew your batteries, your soul aches for time spent with other Christians in fellowship.


Our prayer time is a time to share, with each other and Our God, the wishes and desires of our hearts. Please think about joining us at our next SOR meeting.  You have nothing to lose and soooo much to gain. In this ever changing community and world, take a moment, to join us and thank our God for all he has done and will do for you, your community, nation and the world. Praise God for each and every one of you, and all you mean and bring to Trinity Church. 

This program is free – meeting snacks and beverages are provided by those in attendance. See our event calendar or call the Parish Office 860-482-6027 for more details.


The date of our next gathering is Sunday April 30 at 6pm in the Upper Parish Hall.

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