Torrington, Connecticut

Memorial Garden
The memorial garden at Trinity Church is intended as a place of tranquility, peace and natural beauty. In 1985, the Memorial Garden Committee chose the courtyard on Prospect Street, with its lush bed of pachysandra and other plantings, as its site. The courtyard has a bench and Celtic cross under the Kousa Dogwood tree, as well as a sitting area of benches in its quietest, northeast corner.
It is the policy of Trinity Church to inter cremains (ashes) directly into the earth (“earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust”). We do not bury urns or other containers, nor use a columbarium with niches where urns may be kept.
The Building Warden oversees the Memorial Garden and grounds while the Garden Guild takes the care and maintenance of the garden.
Arrangements for the interment of ashes in the Memorial Garden are made through consultation with our Priest.
Download the Memorial Garden Right Certificate here