Torrington, Connecticut
Trinity Episcopal Church has a long history of outreach and service to the greater Torrington area. Our Campus is a community resource for many non-profit agencies serving Litchfield County. We are the only urban Episcopal Church in Litchfield County.
We estimate that over 900 pairs of feet entered Trinity's buildings every week for non-religious activities before Covid-19 disrupted activities. We subsidize the Community Soup Kitchen, Operation Overflow, AA and NA groups and others. Folks from Trinity are responsible for the initial formation of the Susan B. Anthony Crisis Center, the Workman Home for the Aged and other area institutions.
Walking the road as a community following Jesus takes considerable resources. We would like to invite you to consider how you God may be calling you to support our ministry.
Your contribution to Trinity Church helps us continue important work.
Donate Time

While financial backing is needed for parish ministry, faithfully giving to the service of God's Kingdom involves much more than currency. Being the eyes, ears, and hands of Christ in the world means not just dollars but giving of our energy, our strength, our skill, our education, and our very life - our time. Please contact our main office to volunteer.
Donate Money

For many people, giving of energy and time are not possible. If you are unable to give of your time or energy, please consider supporting our ministry financially. More financial resources give us the ability shine the light of Christ in more places, through worship, prayer, in the soup kitchen, and in the wider community.
To make a general donation or to donate to specific funds: